DV #97: Governor Cuomo’s Delusions Of Grandeur

Andrew Cuomo will not give up in his efforts trying to convince Americans that he is the hero of the coronavirus story -but as you and I know – that could not be further from the truth! On today’s episode we discuss his latest insanity. 

We also bring you a funny (or not so funny) story from England where Boris Johnson’s administration appears to be confused about their own lockdown rules which, if broken, result in hefty fines for the public.  If the leaders can’t understand their own rules and regulations – maybe they should consider revising them!

Finally, we bring you a very important story about the culture of sadness.   Have we abandoned the idea of feeling “lonely” or “sad” in exchange for more clinical terms like “depression and anxiety?”  When did it become so taboo to feel lonely?  We do a deep dive on today’s show!

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