Daily Virus #41 | Gretchen Whitmer’s Hypocrisy

Very few people knew about Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer before she imposed some of the most draconian lockdown laws in the nation.  The governor has been openly hostile towards President Trump and has stifled businesses throughout the state in the name of the coronavirus and social distancing.  Since the lockdown started, we have seen endless stories of the Governor’s hypocrisy and now her double standards have reached new levels.  We discuss Whitmer’s latest tone deaf PR stunt on today’s episode.

As you know, we have been very vocal about the “deaths per million” statistics surrounding the coronavirus and have pointed out on several occasions that Ireland has a higher DPM rate than the United States.  Apparently, we were ahead of the curve!  The Irish Times is FINALLY reporting that Ireland has a higher rate than the U.S.  Instead of owning up to their late reporting, they’ve decided to take a different approach that is dishonest at best. 

Also on today’s episode we shine some light on the truth about Ferguson, child abuse statistics, and more.  Have a great weekend and we hope you enjoy today’s episode!