Daily Virus #39 | Looting In Los Angeles
It’s been several days of endless protests, rioting, and looting in Los Angeles. Thousands of looters and rioters have taken advantage of the Black Lives Matter protests in most major cities in the United States. On today’s episode we discuss the affect of looting on the virus in Los Angeles. Testing centers are being closed across the city or they are implementing new hours. Were these testing centers needed to begin with? Is this an excuse to close them?
We also discuss breaking news from the Associated Press. The AP has obtained recordings from the WHO that show that China withheld important information about the coronavirus. We discuss what that may mean for the United States and our deteriorating relationship with the WHO and China.
Finally – the New York Times is at it again contorting the coronavirus death tolls. We set the record straight on their latest mistruths using our favorite tool – the Worldometer!
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