Bethany Mandel Says Woke Education is Breeding Anti-Semitism
On today’s show, we bring you reviews from our OCTOBER 7 audience so far! Our play, OCTOBER 7, is showing now until June 16th in New York! We took the stories of survivors of the October 7th attacks and we share them with the world. The play is 100% verbatim and it details tales of tragedy, heroism, resilience, and even humor. If you would like to see this production or support us in any way, you can by visiting
Also joining us on the Scoop is Bethany Mandel. She is an author, journalist, and fearless voice against antisemitism. We had a wide-ranging conversation about college protesters and how they got that way (Bethany co-authored a book on the subject, called Stolen Youth) and the failure of supposedly Jewish institutions like the ADL to protect Jewish interests. We also touch on some truly awful marital advice from the Irish Times, who are coincidentally counting any step out of line from leftist orthodoxy as a conspiracy theory. You won’t want to miss it!