The Fall of Silicon Valley Bank
Happy St. Patrick’s Day week! We have a busy episode ahead of us. Starting from reviewing the Oscars and going over some things that stuck out to us, and how out of touch Woke Hollywood is, as always. Then we are joined by Laura Echevarria, Director of Communications for the National Right to Life Foundation. We discuss the lawsuits against Texas by women’s organizations for the “right” to abortion, and the truth behind the lawsuits. We also talk with Laura about states that have extremely relaxed abortion laws, and why leftists do not want to acknowledge those states when discussing Texas abortion laws. Next, we meet with Jim Thortan about the Silicon Valley Bank rise and fall. Jim walks us through how the fall was even possible, what happens moving forward, and his predictions for what banks will collapse next. Finally, we leave you with a delicious shepherd’s pie recipe for St. Patrick’s Day.