DV #49: The Media Loves Lockdowns

Economic destruction . . . excess deaths . . . any sane person would be wary of another COVID-19 lockdown but the media is begging for the economy to be shutdown again.  They’re telling stories of “case and hospitalization” spikes that have no direct correlation to the severity of the virus.  On today’s episode we debunk the media’s hysteria and examine the legitimacy of the media’s claims about statistics in states like Texas and Arizona.  

We also examine the repercussions of the last lockdown which has led to numerous “excess deaths” across the world.   Excess deaths are deaths that have occurred during the lockdown that are not of COVID that would not have happened normally. 

It’s clear politicians are also trying their best to keep the fear and panic porn at an all time high.  Governor Gavin Newsom has announced a mandatory mask mandate for the entire state of California.  This new update comes after counties like Orange County were beginning to repeal their mask mandates.  

Also on this episode we discuss a hilarious story of government ineptitude in the U.K., quarantine reading, the slave supporting Guardian, and more! 

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