Daily Virus #16 | Close EVERYTHING . . . Except Immigration
Last night’s Monday night news dump left the left very very angry as Trump announced that America will halt immigration as we battle the coronavirus. The “close everything” crowd is of course up in arms, calling the move “racist.” It’s truly remarkable how the mainstream media and activist left are able to hold such double standards.
Yesterday Los Angeles came out with some incredible news that the virus most likely has a lower death rate than anticipated. A recent study leads the county to believe that the death rate could be closer to 0.1% or 0.2% according to county officials. Of course, the LA Times took this opportunity to push scare tactics and bury the lede on the story.
Oil prices have hit an all time low and yesterday prices plummeted to the negatives. We explain what that means and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ incredibly insensitive tweet about the disaster.
Also in today’s episode we discuss Earth Day (which is tomorrow) and the American media’s neglect of whistleblowers in China who warned us about the dangers of the coronavirus. The communist regime in China has sought to silence anyone critical of the CCP’s handling of the matter. We will be keeping you update on these brave individuals in future episodes.