Hollywood Gets $15 BILLION In Stimulus Funding
In case you weren’t already upset about the massive stimulus package passed by Congress — a closer look at the package reveals that the entertainment industry will receive over $15 Billion in funding! In fact, the entertainment and arts industries will receive massive amounts of YOUR MONEY in the upcoming stimulus plan while individuals receive small payments of $600. We take a deep dive into the stimulus and ask why Republicans have voted to support this crony deal that funds the propaganda machines who work to destroy them.
Also on today’s episode we bring you news about the new strain of COVID in the UK and news about who is in-charge of vaccine distribution.
We also bring you an update on our next project to expose the Biden Family Corruption! A generous donor is matching all gifts up to $25,000 until 12/31. Make your gift here: https://unreportedstorysociety.com/donate/